Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Return

Hi guys... I am back again. Did you guys miss me? hehe

Hopefully this time I will stay long...back in touch with you guys which some of you, I believe, are still looking forward for my latest updates... I really appreciate some of you who are still visiting my blog during my long break. *sob sob ~ gentle tears running down my cheeks* ...ohh, I really miss my blogging days with you guys...

A lot of things has happened this few months back. There's also a lot of things that I want to share with you guys. Nevermind, I will update them slowly with you guys here, so be patient.

I actually begin writing this post with a blank mind...don't know what to say and don't know where to begin... then I decided to start with a change of my blog skin...well, this is just a temporary :p... I just pick out any templates that I found through google simply to replace the black-grunge-moody templates I had previously during my break. It took me quite some time looking at the xml, recalling the codes as I need to modify the template just a little bit to match with some of the widgets I have.

It really feels good to be back to a place where I can express and share my thoughts and my feelings. Just the same feelings of being back to a place where you actually belong. A place that always knew you for who you are. A place that you always feels safe and comfort everytime you think about it. That's a place you called HOME. Yeah, I'm home. Back to a place where I knew lots of nice people who always misses me. Returning back to a place that is always accepting me whenever I failed and I fall, I got hurted and I cried. Most importantly, I'm back to the people whom I care about, those whom I always worried about when I am far away...I am so relieve to say that I'm back, I'm here for you and I will take care of you.

Mommy, daddy, sister, brother, families and friends...I am glad to be home...

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YourFriend said...

welkam bek bek;)

Gna Eb said...

welcome back, keep us up-to-date. ;)

Unknown said...

weee..hehe...okay ladies..miss u guys much..muah muah..hehe