Sunday, October 2, 2011

Hey hey!

huuuu haaaa!

How long have I left this blog? how is everybody doin' ? I hope you guys still update your blog...

I keep on abandoning this blog...but still, I returned back here to post some updates....simply because... I missed the whole 'merapu' activity thing... but sometimes, time doesn't always available for me to keep on updating this blog...I do always sit in front of my old little laptop, connecting to the internet during working.. but of course, I want to do something else during my free time instead of sticking my nose in front of the laptop all the time.

There are lots of things that I want to share... I don't wanna make excuses on why I did not blog.. but, I have reformatted my laptop so many times because of stupid viruses and malwares that I got from my email (ahh! blame that stupid people posting that virus email)...and then, I lost my external hard drive cable, I must have missed place it somewhere..but I just couldn't remember...all photos, documents, and software installers are in my external hard drive...

There are times when I just leave my laptop under the dust for quite a long time (for a laptop lifetime - i guess :p)...totally ignored it for some borrowed-so-called-new laptop from my previous job...I had to returned it when I quit my job...then, only I return back to this old lappy...and only then I realize my laptop has come to it's old age.

Anyway, no photos for this post, I need to transfer lots of photos from dad's laptop.. and I need to find some time to do that... ok, then..good night y'all... I have to go to bed... need to wake up early tomorrow for Sunday mass and also...I have lots of laundry to do :(((( no other  time mahhh!

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